" I " an Article


I am right, I did not do anything wrong, I am this, I am that and God knows what.

Almost everyone keeps living in this bubble of " I ", which they have created around themselves,
sometimes this "I" finds itself on the last seat of the Bus, sometimes walking in the middle of the market, sometimes feeling shy being falling on the road, and sometimes this "I" is with Bus conductor when caught without ticket.
SO many " I's "......" I " in every person.

Every person tries to represent his " I " from with in his own limited sphere of thoughts, and actually this " I " pushes us to present our self to the surroundings.
A mind evolving on the bases of some orthodox definitions, which have created the structure of our society, always finds it very difficult to see beyond these high walls.

For an Example:-
A potter gives a Pot its shape and from this shape it gets its definition, and its called a Pot.
Tomorrow if any pot does not fulfil this definition, then it will be discarded.

In the same way, this " I " has been defined by the society, according to the definition there is an expected reaction to every action, the mind is expected to develop according to the definitions.
In short the society trends an " I " according to itself, the way it wants it to be.

But when it comes to a personal level, when you are having one on one interaction with people around you, it totally depends on your " I ", how you are going to affect that individual or how you are going to be affected.

Now if I would want to talk about the existence of this " I ", then it would be something like this......One " I " exists because of the other " I ", we always observed our self in comparison to others, we shows our existence by associating it to our family or to our friends, or to any one related to us for that matter.

Now just imagine this " I " in a blank space where nothing else exists, now in this condition how will you define your being and with respect to what ?

So if you come to think about it, it would sound really frustrating that the " I " that you keep nurturing your whole life, has no existence of its own.

I am telling this to you on the bases of my experiences, to a limit I have felt both the positive and the negative sides of this "I", and on this level, positive or negative, right or wrong depends on the definitions of the society.
The sphere of this " I " is very small and ultimately it converges to an infiniteously small dot, and the existence of this " I " is persistent till your being.
Every Individual changes, his definitions his thoughts keep on changing there course.
Even I have been the victim of the dynamic nature of these thoughts where I end up laughing upon myself,
as a result of a constant turbulence of my thoughts my immaturenes and the situations present around, many questions whose answers beyond my scope,
I had answers reasoning excuses for all of those unanswerable questions but when i look back and introspect at those answers, i felt the smile on my face.

Still I have some unanswered questions, whom i don't have answers for, in the quest for these answers i again find myself trapped an confused with in my thoughts, within me.
Everyone tends to find are based on the limited thoughts. which define the "I", your "I", my "I", everybody "I".
Who is right, who is wrong who knows, every "I" filled with confusion.
I find stability in nothingness, closing my eyes and concentrating on that nothingness, I found stability.....why..??
Because that nothingness is incomparable, has no boundaries, its limitless, how big how small nobody knows.

Hufff.....what to do, I find no conclusion to this storm of thoughts,
may be there is this nothingness in every " I " but that been caged by materialistic illusion created arroundness.

Many of us gives so much importance to this "I" and this is a gist of life, there is nothing wrong in that.
Even I am presenting you the I within me and this will affect you all in your own different ways.

I have squeezed my "I" so much and the boundaries of my I exists till my family and few other people,
my family, because my existence is because of them, and those spacial people who had me face the existing realities ( "Mailthili Ma'am" and "Anjali" ) .


alka mishra ने कहा…
very thoughtful article

how can u imagine about it

good performence
Gaurav Singh ने कहा…
इस टिप्पणी को लेखक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.
Gaurav Singh ने कहा…
Hello Alka ji....:)
Because I believe in it....:)
Thanks a lot for your time......:)

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